While the group was working on the construction aspects today, Oscar and I
unfortunately had to skedaddle on out to Talanga. We had been having difficulty
there since late last year after the completion of the Church
building. That came to a head in late November, and we had to take steps to replace the pastor there, mostly related to a lack of reporting,
financial accountability, and completing projects, but there is also
unfortunately much more to the story that is best left in God's hands. We have been working
to this end since then, and after the prior pastor abandoned the work ahead of
what was planned, via Jonathan we found Jose Luis to take his
place...unfortunately for him pretty much starting from scratch, and missing
some of the equipment/supplies that were supposed to have been there.
When we arrived, it was to try to encourage Jose Luis and find out how we
could best help him as he gets started and settled in, and as we were getting
out of the Ford (which we took to also transport some rice and corn for the
members of the drug/alcohol rehabilitation center who have been helping try to
watch over the Church building in the mean time and can most certainly use the
help) we heard Jose Luis on the air...receiving a call from someone asking for
prayer and for Christ to change their lives and to follow Him.
Very cool.
This pastoral change is not one we were seeking, but God seems to be
blessing us with this new man to guide the Church into the future, seeking His
will through it all. Right now Jose Luis is the interim pastor, but in terms of
making that a permanent move...well, we shall see!
On making our way back to Tegucigalpa we stopped to see Jonathan in
Cantaranas, to see the coffee plants that Hill Climber coffee is purchasing for
the farm in San Juancito. These plants will not fill the property totally, but
are a great start to the several year process of getting that property
We also wanted to stop to take measurements for the planned Church building
there. The Church members want to do as much of the labor as possible to build
their own building, but need a hand along the way, and right now that would
be...the rebar for the footer. They want to buy the concrete and sand, as well
as band together to get ‘er done. We are going to see what we might be able to
do to give them a helping hand.
While there we also saw the newest "pet"...Oscar’s piglet. He bought a male and female pig to have the piglets and try to make some extra money for his family, but all of the rest of this piglets brothers and sisters died, making a loss for Oscar instead of a gain in selling the other piglets...so instead of a breeding business, it looks like Oscar is going to end up with a fridge full of ham and pork chops sometime soon.
The piglet was being well taken care of by their pet
dog who has been sleeping with him. The only problem is the piglets missing
tail...apparently the dog likes a little pork in his diet as well.
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