Monday, May 5, 2008


Long story short...Valerie has been a bit frazzled as of late, so much going on, stresses, stretching, she needed to get away. So, we found ourselves in Comayagua (not exactly a long way away, but far enough.) Due to some brief googling, we stayed at the Comayagua Golf Club. With a night's stay, we had access to play as much golf as we liked. Granted, there was no practice area with buckets of balls, and it had been ten years (back in Biloxi) since we had played, so we got quite a bit of excercise looking for our balls along the way....the few of them that we had purchased. Six balls got us through 8 1/2 holes, and it took almost three hours or more to accomplish. (8 1/2 because of the nasty water hazard on the 9th hole and our lack of practice.)

So, we played, relaxed, and hopefully refreshed, as a group of 23 arrives today. Two weeks after they leave, the gauntlet falls and we host the seven groups almost in a row, from June 2nd through August 9th.

Pray we can get some diesel here today. There has been a big shortage the last probably five days. With the group coming would be nice to have them riding in the vehicles instead of pushing them.

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