Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Yesterday was a day in Sampedrana, the last time for a long time we will be up there with clothing. I want to say there was over 100 women there, since the group thinks they had 100 black bags in which we deposited their clothing as they left the Church. The group did VBS for 20 or so children that were there.

It was interesting to hear that the kids knew what a toothbrush and toothpaste were, that they knew how to use it (I presume...from past groups) but not one of them had either, hitting home again the need for some kind of community based education on health matters as well as spiritual. We are struggling still as a mission with how to implement CHE, but are still working at it.

The coffee plants on the property right by the Church building are suffering a bit of illness, hopefully it can be rectified, or we will have to tear them all out and start over. The good news is that we were planning on doing that anyway in a year or two, as when the plants get old enough they start producing less. The other continues prepping the ground by digging holes, and the plants have been purchased, and the nursery where they were bought is taking care of them well right up until they need to be planted.

It was a cool day...if you are not sweating in Comayagua, you know it is cold. So cold, that our cold blooded group member lost all color in her fingers, and they were numb. It is beautiful sleeping weather for us, and almost no rain, but the system bringing this unusual weather has dumped rain in flooding proportions throughout the North coast of Honduras, leaving some communities incommunicados. Ironically, although it has looked like rain here in Teguc, actual rain has been scarce to none.

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