1. Finishing some of the soleras (footers) that go on top of the pre-fab wall sections. There are quite a few of them, they are necessary to finish...not exactly glamorous work, but we are glad it is getting done.
2. Part of the wall near the corner behind the clinic is too low from the outside of the building, and we had extra bricks from a project a while back, so this project of extending the wall is getting done. When the time is right, we will be able to put the serpentine wire above all the wall. To answer a question yo
3. Painting the clinic. The sealing work was first, finishing what the last group greatly advanced, and then came the start of the continued blue theme we have started. Everyone knows the clinic as "la clinica azul" (the blue clinic) so for sure at least that which can be seen from down the hill will be that recognizable blue.
4. Teaching Dora, some mothers from the Milk Project and some other women we know some techniques on how to use the oversized and otherwise not appropriate clothing we have left from the clothing ministry and turn those into something that can be sold/used. This ministry is something we are praying will expand more when Amanda arrives this fall and would be able to oversee and further help it continue. They have already seen how to make purses/hand bags, skirts, braided rugs, and much more, with another day of teaching/working Monday. All of the women have already inquired when the group will be able to return to teach them even more!
It occurs to me that we have been here almost ten years with groups helping with all the construction on the property...and from what I can see that needs done, what we plan to do, and such...we have enough to do another ten years or so of building! I am not sure why I thought we would eventually "be done" when it is obvious that things just keep growing/changing/expanding.
Saturday we did a clothing distribution in Guazucaran, and then hit the hardware store in Teguc to better the lighting for the sewing room, buying the lights and then wiring them ourselves to just plug into the wall and hang from the false ceiling. It is certainly bright in there now!
Today we went to Church, watched the World Cup final while playing Euchre...and then distributed rice to twenty families in the area up from the clinic.
On our way home tonight in the deluge of rain...I thought I was seeing the road, but as we were coming down the anillo in the dark (no lights there) in fact there was a couple feet of water waiting for us. Crashing into that sent everyone in the car into quick motion and kind of freaked the kids out as the water went totally over the top of the vehicle, and straight through my cracked driver's window getting me all wet on one side. To be honest I think that if we had been in a small car...it could have been more severe to the vehicle and those inside , but the Defender made it through and got us home, although it was making noises that indicated to me that the jolt may have dislodged the muffler, we will have to get that examined well before driving it again. It may be noisy...but whatever it is, the noise is very cool since the you can much better hear the turbo whine while driving. All things considered...I do not want to go through that again.
Thanks again to the group this week for worked alongside us at the clinic, the milk project and the new sewing project. I have posted a few pictures of ladies using the sewing machines and modeling their new wares. My blog is at laurieishere.blogspot.com
Oops. Wrong blog. That one is history. New blog is laurieinhonduras.blogspot.com or just click on my name and you will get there.
We were humbled to serve. We, too, are excited about the sewing projects. The ladies were quick learners.
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