Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Truss and obey

This week we are blessed with a group from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church, a team of guys here to help get to work on the Church building here in Teguc. 

A long journey starts with a single step...or single purlin as the case may be.
Getting the columns up and all that entailed was...interesting, and involved more swaying than a full course luau.
After trying some other ideas, we had to rent the crane shown here for two long days. Cranes charge by the hour. At least they did not charge us for lunch. But finally they got up...along with a lot of help from ropes, cables, etc. and us pushing, pulling, and in general laughing giddy with the thought of something falling on us.
The group has been focused on getting everything level, square and plumb after getting those columns and trusses in place. We of course would not want a building wavy, round, or pear.
In addition, the purlins need to go up for the walls and roof as the other first big steps to stability that has been all Monday and Tuesday (they did some corn distribution on Sunday afternoon with the Church in the neighborhood.)
While starting everything was literally a bit shaky...with every passing hour, things are taking shape more, and are just encouraging everyone working on the project. 
The view will forever be altered as this continues to go up and becomes opaque...but in a very visible, God honoring way! We have enough funds to get everything under roof, but still need to raise quite a bit of funding at the $26 per square foot to get all the interior work done that will soon be ready to start. Please join us in prayer about raising those funds...our goal is that with enough funding we could finish the building by the Church’s anniversary in June!
We will need lots of financial help, prayers, and physical help if that is to come to pass!  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. I miss ONE day up there, and a lot was done. Praise God!