Thursday, August 2, 2007

Wer you expecting perhaps Mr. Whipple?

Today was an interesting day. In lieu of working construction (with my unexplicable back injury and of course the eye "thing"), I got to take a trip to the WER (World Emergency Relief)warehouse, with whom we have partnered a bit in terms of helping them get containers into the country for the purpose of getting very low costs on medicines, and in the case of today, vitamins. Marlen came with me to ensure we got what we needed. I think we have enough vitamins to last us a year or so, at a cost that would be relatively cheap, cheap, cheap.

In other news, the aforementioned construction has been advancing the wall, turning the corner as it were, and thus preparing us for the future container piece placement to continue the wall down that side of the Church property. That corner work is by far the most difficult and tricky of all the work for the wall, and obviously we are glad to be done with that.
And in a final update to yesterdays entry, my exam this morning went fine, and I was given an inflamation free bill of health. The dilation drop has worn off, and my vision is back to normal. Now all I have is the requisite band-aid, and a very sensitive socket and bruise spot that is thus not very fun to have cleaned. All in all though, I am extremely pleased with the outcome. The bonus of course being that I keep getting asked "What happened?!" to which I hover between two answers:
1. Valerie finally had enough
2. I was defending the honor of Honduras, thus
suffering for my love of country.

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