Friday, September 7, 2007

Good thing Felix did not come

Yesterday we got a surprise rain, maybe 1/2 hour or so. In that half hour, the market area downtown flooded to about 4 feet or so, and one woman died. Imagine what could have happened with even a weakened hurricane?

Also yesterday the Ford and the Defender served as a funeral procession for Lourdes' baby who was born earlier this week. As is typical here, Lourdes does not know why the baby died, was not told anything, and after giving birth the baby was taken from her to another ward, and never got to hold him while he was alive. She only found out he died when she returned to the hospital to pick him up (why did she leave? She was forced to even though she was not 100% because they needed the bed.) How sad it was for them to decide to use the Defender as the hurse...that a coffin would fit in the back of the truck was not good. We drove to Sabana Grande to a cemetery outside of town for the burial.

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