Saturday, November 22, 2008

More from the NMC

Well, a whirlwind it has been! I am trying to think of all the many blessings I have seen and received while here, all the people, prayer, workshops, Bible studies, and even Spades played and it hard to remember it all.

I can say I saw all the booths in the exhibition hall, but it was not without effort. It is amazing to see what is only a very small conceptual vision of what Heaven will be like with all the nations, people groups, languages, skin colors, etc. represented.

I gave a presenation of an overview of what is going on in His Eyes for about ten people this morning, which was very good not only to share that, but to get feedback, questions, ideas, and suggestions. It is so encouraging to see so many other people taking a role in His work there.

I am back getting ready for our big yearly board meeting in 1/2 hour, where most of us can actually see each other face to face (versus using Skype....or for our hunter extrodonaire who will be listening via an ear bud in his tree stand) which will be good, then supper, main session, packing in as much tonight as I can, and back to Indiana for one last stand before leaving for home on Wednesday (getting there Thursday)

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