Thursday, July 2, 2009

Waiting and watching

I am waiting for Roberto to bring back the Blue Ford from repairs. I can not eat since interrupting to go let him in and such would be a bummer, so I am taking time to blog.

Today has been a very hard day. Not only for me emotionally and physically, but for Valerie and Oscar, and in some respects for them, that affects me as well. I do not know all the details for them...but Satan is trying to divide us, to discourage us, and more. We will continue to run our races, but it is hard, which happens sometimes...not like it is a surprise or anything.

It got harder as I just learned a few minutes ago that the group that was to come next week just cancelled. I can understand the aprehensiveness there of course over the political scene, but it is still disappointing knowing how much we would/could have accomplished with them here, especially knowing that at least at this point, things are safe enough for groups for sure. This whole political thing does affect us in more ways than one, especially this big way...can you imagine how much more of Honduras is being affected than just one small mission? How about where we would have visited, what we would have done outside Teguc, on the property, etc.? Political and economic damage is measured...but harder to conceive.

That political situation seems unchanged today. Will Mel come back to Honduras on Saturday? I hope so...happens whatever happens, let us just get it over with and move on, wherever that would take us. I hope he does not get back into power...what kind of message does that send to all the really corrupt, ignorers of the law out there? Oh wait, we already send plenty of messages to them in Iran, North Korea, and China among others. Ok, I will take a breath, say a prayer and move forward.

So the work will continue, things will go on...but I will probably be in my funk for a little while longer, not self pity just wallowing and staying still, but struggling to get out and move on in search of what He would have for us. Tough times come, and will continue to come...what matters is how we react through the faith given to us. I pray we will be guided and act in such a way to give glory to God whom alone is worthy.

1 comment:

David G. Fish said...

Glad to know of you. I appreciate your writing from inside the country.

I wrote a blog at about reading between the lines on what is reported about the Honduran "non-coup". Debbie Amigo (who served with us in Chile) sent me your link.

We are friends of Darrin King and Roger Twitchell.

Blessings on you and your ministry!