Friday, June 24, 2011

Talanga progress

We took the group yesterday to Talanga for a food distribution.  Upon arrival, we got a rare glimpse (for us) of seeing Pastor Celeo doing one of his programs on Channel 15.  I asked him later about a way to track how many people watch the channel, and among other things...when they talk to some people that watch the channel and he says "I host a show," he gets reactions like "you look much different on TV" and "are you sure?" 
We got to see some of the new equipment in use as well...the VCRs are for signal modification for sending the signal from the station to the cable companies (I don't get it, but it works) and the new audio board that a group donated in April.  They were very happy not to have to do the complicated dances and using electrical tape to get the same effect. 
Sorry about this picture I can not flip, but it shows one of the houses where a cell group meets from the Church.  The painting was done on one of our computer table parts...all in all I thought it a very good use of a table top.  Romans 6:8 is the verse in the corner mentioned.  With no Church building as of yet, these home Churches/cell groups are very important to the strength and growth of the Church. 

Olivia is an intern that is with us for two months.  Yesterday she was in my group during the food distributions.  Apart from the new ticklish boyfriend she has in her arms here in front of the TV station, she was growing a bit by me forcing her to translate for the group during the food distributions.   
It may look like we are in the country...but this is only a few blocks from the central park in Talanga.  Apart from one main street that is mostly paved, most of the streets are in various states of disrepair...including the road in front of the future Church building home.  Add rain to the equation and it gets even more interesting.  All told yesterday we visited over 20 families...including one woman who saw us passing by and stopped us to pray for her (she was sick) reminding us that we are making an impression even when we are not aware of such.

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