Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Kids, culture, and art

There are those that want to keep up with us as a family from time to time, and those that I more presume would be interested in some interesting oddities about life here.  This post is for you.

We got Cecilia a guitar for her birthday, a starter guitar, and Paul, one of the staff at Camp Allendale helped get her on the right road to learning how to play...and that led to her being so excited that she played and sang with Valerie at Church on Sunday.  Despite the front row being empty (not typical usually in Honduran Churches, but this is an international congregation) trust me, there were people there.  She played the song "Happy Day" which we heard quite a bit this summer.

Cecilia is quite the imaginative cook, this her take on pancakes, and in this case, with a face.

She also made letters, animals...we perhaps gave her a little too much creative freedom with all the pancakes she made...especially once I found out we had no syrup.  They tasted good plain though, no worries. 

Soren's birthday is the 8th, but Valerie and I will be gone to the US (more on that later no doubt) so we celebrated early.  There was no question where Soren wanted to go eat...Coco Baleadas so he could buy the Hypersupermegaturbogrande, which at 14" long...gets its name honest.  A flour tortilla stuffed with different meats, topped with lettuce and...a bunch of other stuff and sauces.  It is delicious. 

Across the street from Coco Baleadas, a newly remodeled Wendy's.  A big, huge, remodeled Wendy's with a play land, big restaurant area, outside second story seating...it looked impressive, the biggest Wendy's I have seen...of course, there is another two story Wendy's here in town, but this one looked to be bigger to me by a far cry. 

Valerie finally found Mad Libs when we were in the US after looking extensively...at Cracker Barrel. 

As you can see from the picture, it seems to be the funniest thing ever invented.

Who would have thought it was so hard to find!

I have talked before here about the growth of US/English names in Honduran culture. 

This one totally caught me by surprise.  I read it, read it again, and then realized that it was probably their attempt at Dwight? 

At least they got Steve spelled correctly, that is not normally the case. 

Here we have Soren,with his new cast after the surgery, and Sisko, who survived well despite our long absence and lack of roof or anything else of normality for him.  He missed us, and the kids especially missed him.

But, that is not always the case here....

I read the following in the newspaper this weekend:

"Why love animals?"

Here in Honduras, aside from rich people like us that have pets, not everyone has it in their head that animals are to love and cherish, or get preventive medicines for or surgery, etc.

At the bottom of the page is also something for education telling us that black cats are not the devil, bad, bad luck, not to adopt them for their color but because of love!

Pets here, works a little different than other parts of the world.

Last but not least I found some of my impromptu art from one of my classes about 10 years ago.  I wish I had more time to do that, I really enjoy it. 

Rarely though do I take one starting image and try to make eight more combine with it.  Probably would be hard for you to make them all out, but a challenge if you are up for it.


Unknown said...

Glad to hear your are back in Teguc and living life. Thanks for the news on the kids. They look happy and healthy. How's Val's feet? Been praying about that! can't believe Soren can pound the 14 inch pile of goodness. Did he need any help? Definitely want to stop there next time....if there is a next time.
Just thinking of you and happy to stay up with the news via your blog.Be strong and courageous, Mike Bowers

Unknown said...

Thanks Mike, much appreciated!

Valerie's foot...better, much better, she was able to walk through the airport and such, just not quite there yet to be walking more than absolutely necessary.

Soren took about half of the 14" home, he was very happy to get to eat it twice in one day!